
GUI Development

UI element considerations

Fundamental requirements

  1. Safety is critical

    For controls that set parameters like live laser powers or motor step sizes, it is critical to safety that a control reflects the currently used parameter when it is not being used to change that parameter. This is not a trivial matter to achieve: as long as a control has focus, it may show an incomplete entry that does not reflect the current state. A solution may be a timeout for data entry where, after a fixed period of time, the control relinquishes focus and resets to its previous value.

  2. Changes must only be committed by affirmative action

    Certain parameters must only be changed by an affirmative action. It is common to update control parameters when they lose focus, but focus may be lost affirmatively (e.g. by pressing enter or tab), or passively (e.g. by clicking elsewhere, or by another window stealing focus). In the passive case, the control may contain incomplete, undesirable or even dangerous values, and these should not be committed to hardware. It is not trivial to determine how a control lost focus. The solution may be to assume that focus is lost passively, and to only commit values on certain keypresses or mouse button actions.

  3. Controls should be appropriate

    Sliders and spin controls are only useful when there are both upper and lower limits to the range they will control.

  4. Controls should be intuitive

    When a slider or spin control range covers more than two decades, sliders become less useful: the increment will either be too small at the top end, or too large at the bottom end of the scale. The solution is to use log scaling, but this makes the control much less intuitive.

  5. Transient values should be ignored

    The value of sliders and spin controls can be changed by several methods. A slider can be dragged to a new position; the new position is set when the mouse button is released. Alternatively, sliders and spinners can be moved with the scroll wheel or cursor keys. In this case, it is not clear whether the value after a scroll or keypress event is the final target, or some transient value between old and new targets. This is problematic where parameter updates involve a high-latency step: in such cases, transient values should be ignored. Possible solutions:

    1. tied in with point (b): the solution may be to assume that all actions are passive until an affirmative enter, tab or click is received;

    2. alternatively, the control could be considered ‘settled’ after a sufficient time has elapsed since the last change.

Consequences of requirements

Points (c) and (d) make sliders and spinners unsuitable for exposure times: currently, we can not query the maximum exposure time for all hardware; where we can, we end up with ranges from sub-millisecond to tens of seconds.

Sliders and spinners are only suitable for controlling laser powers if solution (e-1) is implemented. (e-2) would introduce latency before a change is committed to the hardware, and latency on these changes is already high due to slow comms with certain hardware.

Currently, we control both laser powers and exposure times with buttons that present a menu of suitable values, with a final menu entry that opens a dialog for entering custom values. This meets the requirements in (b), (c), and (d), and avoids the issues outlined in (e). The behaviour is much like a ComboBox, but a ComboBox has the advantage that custom values can be entered directly. However, it has a disadvantage similar to point (e): it is possible to scroll through ComboBox entries using the mouse wheel or cursor keys, but it is not straightforward to determine whether a value was selected directly (by clicking on it with the mouse), or it was selected as a transient value via cursor-key or mousewheel scrolling en route to another value. Direct selections need to be acted upon; transients must be ignored to avoid generating high-latency comms traffic.

A complete but highly redundant solution would be to double up controls, so that each parameter has a control to set its value, and a display that shows the parameter’s current state. This could result in a very cluttered interface, though. (In some cases, this might even become three controls, as we would show the current set point, and current actual value).